We've created the app version of Proppit, the largest real estate selling platform in Asia and South America.

We began working hand in hand with LiFullConnect's technical team to replicate the core functionalities of their Proppit platform on a mobile device. The demand for this solution was evident: real estate sellers in Southeast Asia and South America needed an on-the-go tool to address inquiries and doubts from potential buyers.
The solution is the result of close collaboration with LiFullConnect's User Experience (UX) and development teams. Together, we have successfully developed a mobile application with Flutter that stands out for its incredible user-friendliness and ease of use. This Flutter app has been carefully designed with user comfort in mind, making it exceptionally accessible even for those without previous technical experience.
The main reason behind this initiative was to address a clear need: real estate sellers in Southeast Asia and South America required a versatile and effective tool that would allow them to conduct their operations on the go. Proppit responds to this demand by providing a mobile app packed with key features. Users can manage their properties, interact with potential buyers, and respond to inquiries quickly and easily, all from the palm of their hand.
The application not only simplifies property management but also delivers an exceptional user experience. The intuitive and user-friendly interface enables effortless navigation, and essential features are just a tap away. From listing properties to tracking contacts and analyzing data, Proppit empowers its users with the power of real estate management, streamlining their daily tasks.
Currently, Proppit is present in more than 12 countries, including Chile, Colombia, Peru, and Thailand. It boasts over 20,000 downloads and thousands of active monthly users, establishing itself as a benchmark in the real estate buying and selling platforms. Thus, it plays a significant role within the international LiFullConnect group.